Dr Ghani's missing God Speaks manuscript - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017

At the commencement of his 2017 Friday morning “Special Series" of talks, Dr Ward Parks welcomed all present to participate in a group reading of an early draft of a manuscript understood to be Dr Abdul Ghani Munsiff's response to dictation especially given to him by Meher Baba in the late 1940's. 
As it turned out Baba was unhappy with Dr Ghani's work saying he had left parts out and made a mess of others, resulting in Baba rewriting the material word for word with the aid of Eruch Jessawalla and publishing it as God Speaks (readable online at ambppct.org - go to eLibrary).  It is understood Dr Ghani’s material was given to Murshida Ivy Duce and Don Stevens to make use of in their work editing and making God Speaks ready for publication by Sufism Reoriented.

Ward said that it appears that Part 9: The Ten States of God in God Speaks bares very close similarity in places to sections of Dr Ghani's draft manuscript.  To date it is been understood that this last section of God Speaks was written by Eruch based on detailed points given by Baba which Eruch wrote up and read back to Baba for clarification and approval. 

Ward recalled an anecdote in Mandali Hall when Gary Kliner brings in a copy of God Speaks to show Eruch that the final chapter is attributed to him.  Eruch responded "mine may have been the hand".
The manuscript had recently came to light at the Meherabad Archives, and was sent to Ward as Editor of Baba's extensive literary legacy.  Ward requested that the video of the read-through at Avatar’s Abode not be made public until collaboration concerning further work on the document.

During his short talk Ward described the document’s historical background, its contents and providence.  He said it contained extensive, very direct editorial comments by Dr Donkin.  He also recalled how Baba requested Dr Ghani sign an agreement regarding the completion of his work on this series of dictation. 

Searching Lord Meher Online, I found mention of this agreement, along with a poem written by Baba to accompany it.  It states:

"Meanwhile, at the Ice Factory bungalow Dr. Ghani continue to work on the esoteric points given by Baba (for God Speaks), but in his usual lackadaisical way was taking his time over it. Finally, Baba dictated an agreement which he made Ghani sign before witnesses, promising to finish the book by the end of May 1948. Part of the agreement was a poem by Baba about Ghani:

He swears by everything he holds dear and near
That he will stay here without the summer fear
And not asking for beer
And finish this book or out he'll clear!

This video recording took place at “Avatar’s Abode”, a pilgrimage centre established for Meher Baba in 1958 prior to Baba's second and last visit to Australia.  Prior to his visit, Baba requested that his gathering of lovers be held in Queensland, a north-eastern state of Australia where few had travelled and where none lived.  A brass plaque at its entrance states "This property is held in perpetuity for Avatar Meher Baba and is for those dedicated to Meher Baba and all who seek to know more about Him”.

A great deal of information about the property, events held and accommodation available, can be found at avatarsabode.com.au.

Dr Ward Parks does not restrict the publication or circulation of his spoken or written material.  Publishers however, request that proper referencing of Ward be undertaken.

The Management of Avatar’s Abode requests those making video or audio recordings on the property protect the privacy and identity of those present by all appropriate means.

Failure to do so, or other shortcomings, which may have occurred in this case are the producer’s fault entirely, and I sincerely apologise for distress or injury I may have caused in failing to comply with these Management directives. My email contact is anthonyrfoley@gmail.com.  I will immediately remove any offending images or audio.

A list of Meher Baba related videos posted on Youtube by Tony Foley can be found at anthonyrfoley.blogspot.com.au.


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