Stay With God by Francis Brabazon - An Appreciation by Dr Ward Parks

Stay with God: An Appreciation
by Ward Parks[*]

            From Friday through Sunday, July 22 through 24, the Meher Center will host a study program on Stay with God, Francis Brabazon’s epic masterpiece. Written at Baba’s express directive and published in 1959, Stay with God is, as Baba’s sister Mani described it in a “Family Letter,” a “work of incredible beauty,” or as Charles Purdom put it, “a presentation of Baba without parallel.” [†] These three days will provide occasion for us to immerse ourselves in the extraordinary poetic brew and visionary experience that Baba’s great poet has offered as perhaps his greatest gift to posterity.
            Stay with God was undertaken by Francis in response to an order given to him by Baba at the men’s Sahavas program at Meherabad in 1955. Though the sahavas was intended for Baba’s Indian followers, Francis and Don Stevens, two Westerners, were specially invited to stay on through the four one-week sessions that Baba had organized for lovers of His from four Indian language groups. At the end of that time, Baba directed Don to write and compile what was published in 1957 as Listen, Humanity, while Francis got the order to compose Stay with God, a title given to him by Baba Himself.
Back in Australia, Francis conceived the idea of composing this work in poetic form. The actual writing took him several years, during which time, Baba visited Australia twice (in 1956 and 1958). When at length Francis arrived in India to join Baba as one of His resident mandali in early 1959 (seven months after Baba’s inaugural visit to Avatar’s Abode), he brought the manuscript with him. Baba had it read out three times. And beyond these simple readings, Baba personally went over its text closely, making corrections, giving new material, and directing Francis to incorporate new elements and features such as the philosophical “Foundations” section and the extensive “Notes” which help guide readers through the maze of references that saturate the main text. Rarely in His life did Baba involve Himself in a lover’s or disciple’s literary endeavor to such an extent. Indeed, though the hand that wrote was Francis’s, one can truly say that the book itself is Baba’s from “a” to “z.”
            And while Baba would often encourage the efforts of His lovers with praise and commendation, the praise which Baba bestowed upon Stay with God was of no common order and surely must be construed as an indication of this book’s future importance. According to Baba’s own Mehera in letters that she wrote to Diane Dimpfl during this period, “we have never before seen Baba so enthusiastic.” “Baba says that this book is a masterpiece, it is so beautifully written. To quote Baba, ‘He who will read this book will have read everything,’ and ‘in no Avataric period has a book been written about the Avatar to be read by the Avatar Himself.’”[‡] As Francis himself wrote in a letter in 1960, “I think the highest praise that Baba gave Stay With God was ‘It will appeal to the highest intellects and to those with simple hearts.’”[§] And when the book was released by Edwards & Shaw for Garuda Books in Australia late in 1959, Baba asked that it be distributed as widely as possible and expressed the wish that every family own a copy. “Stay with God has come to stay,” Baba declared.  “My love will touch the heart of all who read it, as no book has ever done.”[**]
            Fifty years later, as we look back over the extensive and ever-growing body of literature associated with this Avataric Advent, the singularity of Stay with God as a literary achievement becomes increasingly obvious. The majesty and sweep of what it undertakes and the character of the vision of Meher Baba as Avatar that it provides are hard to describe to those who have not read it. It is very much a modern work, in that it blends many different styles and modes of discourse. The first of its five sections is a biographical narrative of Baba’s life through the Meherabad Sahavas of 1955, interspersed with many colorful digressions and passages of commentary. “The Love Song of John Kerry” (the second part) provides a rare and intimate lyrical glimpse into the passion and fire of Francis’s own very personal love for his Beloved. The third section gives us a poetic retelling of the Divine Theme narrative in God Speaks; and part four, “The Steps to His Feet,” meditates on the “turning” that brings one to the threshold of the spiritual path and the feet of the Perfect Master. The last section, “God-Man as World Axis and Living Perfection as Art”—which comprises about two-fifths of the book’s totality—unfolds a vast survey of the cultural and spiritual history of the world, replete with commentary and criticism, and proclaims and celebrates the descent of the God-Man and the role that He plays age after age.
All of this makes for a most intoxicating mixture, shot through with extraordinary glimpses and vistas and moments of rare lyric poignancy. What other book in the Meher Baba library presents the Avatar and Divine Beloved in this way? Stay with God truly stands alone. It is a work for the ages. It will surely constitute one of the major foundations for the civilization of the New Humanity that will arise from the rubble of the world as we see it in its current deteriorating condition.
            And this to me is a compelling reason for our devoting energy and effort toward the study and celebration of this magnificent work at the present time. The mandali era has just ended, and those of us in Baba’s fold have entered into a new age in which we no longer have the personal guidance, so to speak, of our spiritual “parents.” How do we make decisions and determinations bearing on the “Baba culture” that we create, how do we relate the legacy which the Avatar has left us to the ideologies and traditions we see all around us, descending from the hoary past? Francis’s work, and particularly his work in Stay with God, addresses this question with a rare penetration of vision and deep heart-felt feeling. Indeed, among all of Meher Baba’s mandali, Francis seems to have been uniquely oriented toward matters of culture and art and history and the imaginative and intellectual conceptualization and envisioning of the Avatar. This seems to have been central to the role which he played for Baba, and Baba gave him a very visible and enduring platform for expressing his views on these subjects. For all these reasons I feel that Stay with God calls for our closest study and attention, perennially to be sure, but at no time more than the present, as the new age in His love gets under way.
            For those who take part, these three days will provide an occasion to remove ourselves from the world and to drink deeply from the draught of His love. By descending as Avatar Meher Baba has established His place in our midst. The challenge to humanity and to the family of His lovers in the days ahead is to cultivate that high art by which we stay with Him. Stay with God is one of the great tools and aids Baba has given to assist us in that effort.

[*] This “appreciation” extracts from an article published in Meher Baba Australia, March-May 2015, pp 4–6, under the title “A Three-Day Celebration of Stay with God at Avatar’s Abode, May 8, 9, 10.”
[†] Mani S. Irani, Eighty-Two Family Letters to the Western Family of Lovers and Followers of Meher Baba (New York: Society for Meher Baba, 1969), 23rd February 1959, p. 2, and C. B. Purdom, The God-Man: The Life, Journeys and Work of Meher Baba with an Interpretation of his Silence and Spiritual Teaching (North Myrtle Beach: Sheriar Foundation, 2010), p. 352
[‡] See Diane Dimpfl, “Assignment from Meher Baba,” Glow International, Spring 2011, p. 16.
[§] Steven Hein quoted to me this line from a general letter that Francis wrote from Guruprasad on 24th May 1960 to Baba lovers in Australia.
[**] For these andother of Baba’s comments on Stay with God, see Eighty-Two Family Letters, 23rd February 1959, p. 2 and 16th October 1959, p. 2.


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