Youtube - List of Talks about Avatar Meher Baba uploaded by Anthony R Foley

List of Talks about Avatar Meher Baba uploaded to Youtube by A R Foley:


Subtle Physiology and the Perfect Man - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2019 -
Pran & Akash - Creation Narratives of Meher Baba - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2019 -
Dr Ward Parks explores Dr Ghani's "God Speaks" manuscript - Australia 2019 -
Meher Baba's "Anatomy" of the False Self - Dr WArd Parks - Australia 2019 -
David Raffo on Khorshed Irani's book - AUDIO ONLY - Aust 2019 -


Meher Baba's "Explanations on Creation & the Universe" - Part 1 - Dr Parks - Aust 2018 -
Meher Baba's "Explanations on Creation & the Universe" - Part 2 - Dr Parks - Aust 2018 -
An Introduction to Buddhism - Part 1 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2018
An Introduction to Buddhism - Part 2 - Dr Ward Parks - 1:58hr - Australia 2018
An Introduction to Baba's Tiffin Lectures - Part 1 - Dr Ward Parks - 1:55hr - Australia 2018 -
An Introduction to Baba's Tiffin Lectures - Part 2 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2018 -
God: Personal & Impersonal - Dr Ward Parks - 1:59hr - Australia 2018 -
In God's Hand - background and central ideas - Dr Ward Parks - 2:09hr - Australia 2018 -


Dr Ghani's missing God Speaks manuscript - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -
Intro. to Sufism - Talk 1 of 3 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017   1:43hr
Intro. to Sufism - Talk 2 of 3 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017   1:47hr
Intro. to Sufism - Talk 3 of 3 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017   1:47hr
Into. to Vedanta - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017
Sun and Moon in "Stay With God" - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017

Stay With God - Talk 1 of 7 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -
Stay With God - Talk 2 of 7 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -
Stay With God - Talk 3 of 7 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -
Stay With God - Talk 4 of 7 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -
Stay With God - Talk 5 of 7 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -
Stay With God - Talk 6 of 7 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -
Stay With God - Talk 7 of 7 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2017 -


Fana and Baqa - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2016
Homer and the heroic in "Stay With God" - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2016 -
God Speaks - Talk 1 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -
God Speaks - Talk 2 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -
God Speaks - Talk 3 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -
God Speaks - Talk 4 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -
God Speaks - Talk 5 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -
God Speaks - Talk 6 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -
God Speaks - Talk 7 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -
God Speaks - Talk 8 of 8 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2106 -


Meher Baba's Elucidations on Reincarnation - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 1 of 13 - Dr Ward Parks -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 2 of 13 - Dr Ross Keating - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 3 of 13 - Dr Geoff Gunther - Australia 2015
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 4 of 13 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 5 of 13 - Dr Ross Keating - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 6 of 13 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 7 of 13 - Dr Geoff Gunther - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 8 of 13 - John Parry - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 9 of 13 - Dr Geoff Gunther - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 10 of 13 - Dr Micheal Le Page - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 11 of 13 - Dr Geoff Gunther - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 12 of 13 - Dr Ross Keating - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Talk 13 of 13 - Dr Ward Parks - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Reading 1 of 2 - Loraine, Suzie & Steve - Australia 2015 -
Stay With God Workshop - Reading 2 of 2 - J Issacs & J Horsey Australia 2015 -


Allan Y Cohen 2014 AUSTRALIA - Introductory Talk (audio) - 
Allan Y Cohen 2104 AUSTRALIA - Talk 1 of 7 -
Allan Y Cohen 2014 AUSTRALIA - Talk 2 of 7 -
Allan Y Cohen 2014 AUSTRALIA - Talk 3 of 7 -
Allan Y Cohen 2014 AUSTRALIA - Talk 4 of 7 -
Allan Y Cohen 2014 AUSTRALIA - Talk 5 of 7 -
Allan Y Cohen 2014 AUSTRALIA - Talk 6 of 7 -
Micheal Le Page 2014 AUSTRALIA - Sufism in Aust -
Allan Y Cohen 2014 AUSTRALIA - Talk 7 of 7 -

Details included in Description Box:

Most of the presentations which I upload to Youtube are filmed at Avatar's Abode which is located at the end of Meher Road, Kiels Mountain on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia.  The brass plaque at the entrance to this property states: This property is held in perpetuity for Avatar Meher Baba and is for those dedicated to Meher Baba and all who seek to know more about Him.

The Avatar's Abode community is very fortunate to regularly host Dr Ward Parkes from Meherabad, India who presents free talks to those interested covering a range of topics pertaining to Avatar Meher Baba (1894-1969).

The management of Avatar's Abode have policies concerning the filming and publishing of events which take place on the property.  These request that the identity of those present is respected, as well as the intellectual property of the presenters.  They also stress that their rights as copyright holder of various published materials, such as the works of Francis Brabazon, be respected.

Dr Ward Parkes publicly states that he does not restrict the copying and dissemination of his talks.  But he does request due recognition and referencing of his work and his sources.

The filming and publishing of these talk is an independent initiative of Anthony R Foley who  utilises the assistance of volunteers when he is unavailable to film himself.

No express permission is obtained from the Avatar's Abode Management for this each filming, however permission has been obtained by me to undertake filming in general, on the assumption that I uphold their policies. Should my failure to uphold them cause anyone harm, I sincerely apologise for this, and I will immediately remove any offending material from Youtube.  Please contact me via my email or my Australian mobile phone  +61477282479 in this regard.

A list of all the talks I have filmed and uploaded to Youtube together with their URLs can be found on my blog which can be found by entering into a search engine.

As an example of permission gained from speakers in advance of filming and posting, I have pasted below an email received from Dr Ward Parks on 11 Sep, 2017:

Dear Tony,

Thanks for posting these videos. ... You are doing a very fine thing in bringing these various Baba materials before the world. Whatever the immediate results of such efforts may be, in the end He will use them and bring fruits according to His divine Knowledge.

In Baba's Love, Ward

Critique of some Talks
As an indication of the importance of posting talks about Avatar Meher Baba and his teachings, I have posted below an email received from Ravi Yadumurthy on 10 Sep 2017 (minor corrections):

Jai Meher Baba!  I have listened to all the Youtube lectures of Ward Parks Sir. I admire his superb presentation skills.  The study of Vedas & Vedanta happens in the traditional (& conservative) Brahmin families in India. This community is a small percentage of Indian population albeit a prominent one. Traditionally, Brahmins did not accept money in exchange for imparting spiritual instructions because possessing money was supposed to have a corrupting influence on spiritual health. A true Brahmin is called Dwija (Born again)...the one who has actually become God-Realized.  These traditions are now overwhelmed by the sweep of materialism (as rightly observed by Ward Parks Sir). There could be rare pockets of Brahmin families living by the spiritual truths given in ancient Indian Texts. However, most families are after gathering more & more money.  I come from a family which believes in Dvaita philosophy (founded by Madhvacharya). Madhvacharya interpreted among many other texts, for example, Brahma Sutra from a dualistic view-point with extraordinary consistency in logical reasoning. He defeated his contemporaries holding Advaitic views in formal arguments.  In essence, Vedas & Vedanta are supposed to be words of God originating outside of Time. The various Schools of thoughts in Hinduism are interpretation & re-interpretations of the original texts. For example, Yoga-vasishtha (spiritual instruction given by Sage Vasishtha to Lord Rama), Uddhava-gIta (instructions given by Lord Krishna to His dear friend), Rama-gIta (instruction given by Lord Rama to His brother), Avadhuta-gita, Ashtavakra-gita & many more re-emphasise Vedanta & pursuit of ultimate Freedom of the Soul. There is also a great emphasis in pointing out that textual & intellectual knowledge about these instructions do not give freedom.The amount of text available in Hinduism is so great, that one tends to be lost in the intellectual realm.  Meher Baba comes along & provides the key to understand the ancient Hindu texts through the introduction of Sanskaric view-point. This revolutionary view-point gives a clear understanding of Karmic bondage of souls in creation to one another (some Soul-to-Soul bondages are strong & some weak). For example, Karmic bondage between a terrorist & a victim, a driver & his car, a banker & money, a lover & the beloved, the Prime Minister & a government servant in a remote Village, etc. The basic question now arises. Should we really pursue to understand Hinduism or should we only look to Baba. For Baba Lovers, the answer is already given.  Baba also gives instructions on how to escape from this Karmic bondage. Inwardly break the Karmic bindings to the worldly life (become detached) & love Baba more & more.  Baba's instructions are so filled with Love & Knowledge that Baba took extra pains to declare Himself as the Avatar (the original Father announcing that He is our Real father...). Imagine the suffering the Infinite Being has to undergo to restate the fact to an unbelieving Humanity.  Baba has probably not answered a question regarding the essence of consciousness. Why does Soul need the instrument of consciousness to realise its true nature? There seems to a dependency on Consciousness as a tool to find Reality. I have a feeling Baba covers this topic in the Secret Book & will address this topic scientifically when He comes back as a scientist in His next Advent.


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