
How Sufism became Meher Baba in Australia - by A Foley in USA, 9 Jul 2017

"How Sufism became Meher Baba in Australia" Speaker: Tony Foley Occasion:   Usual Sunday program at  Meherabode, Los Angles, 9 July 2017 Purpose •          To provide a chronology of how Sufism became Meher Baba in Australia •          In doing so, I hope share information which might bring clarity to two contentious issues in the Baba and Sufi worlds, namely: •          Murshida Rabia Martin’s role in recognizing and adopting Avatar Meher Baba as her Sufi Order’s leading light •          Shiek Momen’s (Baron Von Frankenberg) acceptance of Meher Baba as the leading light of the International Sufi Order for which he was the Australian Representative. 1880’s – Baron’s parents & birth •          Parent marry in San Francisco on 29 Jan.1887   ...